All power to principled people.

Money and privilege are weapons of the weak.

We are Kashmiris, and have survived multi-generational oppression lasting hundreds of years. For resisting, we are demonized, dominated, disappeared and destroyed.
We persevere, still.

“Cashmere” is a superfine fiber made famous by the handiwork of our ancestors. It is also an anglicization of the name of our homeland. For generations, our people have been exploited to produce luxury goods for global elites. The unparalleled textiles produced by our people feature a motif that European industrialists appropriated and called “paisley.”

Our ancestors’ 19th century resistance to exploitation birthed the modern Kashmiri freedom movement. “Cashmere” represents the exoticization, exploitation and erasure of our people.

“Merecash” is its inversion. We are resurrecting history, preserving memory and continuing to resist. Our work seeks to amplify our people’s voices while celebrating our common inheritance: to respond to deprivation and violation with creativity and beauty.

We exist, we matter; we demand to be heard.

Merecash is a non-profit whose proceeds go to fund activism focused on accurate, principled representation of Kashmiris and accountability for human rights violations in Kashmir.